Walking around with an open umbrella when it’s not raining doesn’t make any sense. But how often do we allow the umbrella of worry to block the sunshine of delight from warming our hearts?
Trials and tribulations are a part of life. In the extreme view, Soichiro Honda once said, success is 99% failure. We always heard from time to time that: to be successful, you must be brave enough to fail. So i wondered, what it is about failing that can make us a success? How can we use our failure, our struggles to be successful? Yes friends, u know the magic word: BE OPTIMIST!
In the Quran, Allah reminds us: Do people think that they will not be tested once they say they have accepted Allah’s message and committed themselves to it? (29:2). But, with this clear warning of the difficulties in life, Allah also gives hope to his faithful servants. Allah says: Did We not open your breast, and remove from you the burden that [almost] broke your back? Did We not exalt your name far and wide? Indeed, with every hardship there is ease; indeed, with every hardship there is ease. (94:1-6).
And also, a scientific researh done in Harvard that followed the lives of 99 students from the age of 25 found that those who were initially classified as optimists at that young age were significantly healthier at the ages of 45 and 60.
So, why worry? Embrace your failures, get back on your feet, learn from it and do it with a conviction that the failures we met are meant for us to be successful! Seek out the light of optimism and hope. Pack up that umbrella of worry and doubt. Save it for a rainy day!
Source: jemima's journal, motivational-articles, islamic education